As I look at the world, there is a growing horror in me about how frequently I see posts of ‘I can’t take this anymore’. So many people are now into crisis state, their lives and business ventures are suffering, and the body is the biochemical warzone.
People are trying lots of different things, desperately looking for answers, and forgetting one simple fact; people are running brain and body biochemistry that is now downright unsustainable.
It all starts with your mind. Your brain drives your behaviours which drive your results.
I’m running a ‘Stress Solution’ Microclass to tackle exactly this.
I’m going to go through the mechanisms and how to interrupt them, exactly what neurohacks you can use to scratch the record and stop it playing, and how to rebuild healthier right-brain activity for a regulated autonomic nervous system response set up.
Because I don’t believe that it is okay to not feel okay for long periods of time. It’s exhausting, and you have to change something. You can’t change what’s around you, but you can change the meaning you give it, and, what you do about it. It’s called alignment and it’s incredibly powerful.
Getting back into alignment is sometimes a shift of 1 degree. But you do have to shift. Otherwise you end up somewhere very different from where you planned.
I’ll go through what repeated trauma does to the brain and body, where we hold it, and how to hack your way out. I’ll also cover what steps we need to take to protect ourselves in this current market.